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You charge ahead in life through your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s like it’s nobody’s business. You build your career and find that perfect someone. You settle down, decide to have kids or substitute kids (the furry kinds with four legs). You never really give your age any thought. Then, one day you suddenly wake up. Holy crap, you’re 50! The big “Five-O”!






You catch yourself in the mirror and notice crows’ feet so you give yourself a mini face lift with your fingers without any long lasting results.

It’s come out of nowhere! You have aches and pains; you snap, crackle, and pop like a rice crispy. And you notice a few extra pounds that weren’t there yesterday. What! OMG! It feels like it’s over.


Your life is now filled with all kinds of new challenges.

Maybe your exciting career has become mediocre at best.

Maybe you have hot flashes from hell that make you feel like you’re going to self combust.

Maybe you have no sex life because your exhaustion causes you to become comatose by 8pm.

Maybe your kids have either gone to University and your vacation plans have gone out the window for the next ten years OR they’ve moved back in, in which case, you want to go on vacation from them for the next ten years.

Maybe a messy divorce has left you with no self confidence and sucked away all your mojo (that’s assuming you had it in the first place).

Life can feel so complex it can feel hard to know where to start, how to simplify and how to reclaim your great life back.


Let me share something with you. This is the start of something really great - mind blowing great – put on your dancing shoes great - knock your socks off great! It’s an opportunity for you to put some balance back in your life and create a life that’s filled with the things you crave; not the jelly doughnuts of course!


Together we can map out an adventure down your freshly paved Autobahn.


Decide what you want for yourself today!

Feel amazing!   Look amazing!   Be amazing!


Let me share with you how we can work together to get you results.


This is a program customized to your unique goals, needs and preferences to live a healthy and happy life.


The Fearless After 50 Program supports all aspects of you, putting fitness at the core of the program with a custom plan; yet, the program extends to support you on all topics surrounding being fit including:


  • Self-care

  • Stress

  • Sleep

  • Daily habits

  • Nutrition

  • Disease prevention


Together, we set clear goals, build a plan, and explore, support and solve the challenges and opportunities that are relevant and important to you to reach your goals.


Unlike other personal training programs, you will move on your own time.  Our time together will focus on teaching form, exploring specific issues you face, reviewing progress and sharing resources.


Expect a great plan, new insights and on-going support to achieve your goals.


The Fearless after 50 Program includes:


  • Assessment – to establish your goals, dreams and preferences

  • Physical Fitness Training Plan – a personal fit plan for you

  • Coaching Sessions – 30 or 45 minute sessions

  • Progress Updates – calls or emails

  • Session Summaries – email summaries with information for you

  • Laser Coaching  - quick connects when you need them

  • Resources – articles, videos and information for you







Let’s get started today.



“Sue creates workouts that are tailored to meet my fitness goals and get results! Her energy and good sense of humour also make the workouts enjoyable!”

              – Zsuzsi Trim








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